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At Home Activities Year 5&6

Instructions for Parents:

I recommend students do 15 mins of music activities per day. Students can pick one or two activities from below:


Listening and Creating Activities

  1. Listening to a familiar song, and pat the rhythm, then pat the beat. Once mastered, practice switching between patting the rhythm and patting the beat.

  2. Make an instrument from recycled materials and compose a piece of music using your instrument. Perform your composition to someone at home.

  3. Listen to a piece of music and draw the picture that the music creates in your mind.

  4. Create a dance routine to your favourite piece of music. Perform to someone at home. 

Music skills practice

Students practise saying your rhythms. Once you can say them condifidently, clap the rhythm at the same time. Then take out the words and just clap them. 

Students practise your hand signs and singing your solfa scale. See if you can remember all the hand signs and notes by yourself.

Now you have revised your rhythms using the video, have a go at these examples. Say the rhythm names, then have a go at clapping them.



Once you can clap the rhythms confidently, have a go at these ideas to extend yourself:

  1. Keep a beat in your feet while you clap the rhythms,

  2. Create a repeating pattern (ositnato) with your hands, and say the rhythm at the same time,

  3. Sing a song you remember from music lessons while clapping the rhythm. You could sing:

    • Icabacker Solar Cracker​​

    • Pass One Window Tideo

    • Car Made of Tin

    • Don't Want Your Weevily Wheat

A Fun musical challenge

Students can have a go at learning this cup rhythm game. MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING A PAPER OR PLASTIC CUP! 

Check out these guys! Some of you might remember them coming to LPS last year.

See if you can play your cups pattern throughout this song. Maybe you are even clever enough to sing along at the same time! 

And these guys are AMAZING!

One more challenge

See if you can do it!

Sing alongs 

Students can sing along with Gundulla. A song about celebrating the beautiful Australia. 

The song is an invitation to dance from the Wongutha people of the Western Desert.

Students can sing along with Living in the Bush. A song that celebrates the unique experiences of living in the wide open spaces of the Australian outback.

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